This autumn 2021 has come along with a bunch of new features! 🎉 The team has worked hard, mainly improving the user experience of the CERN Library Catalogue website.
Below, a summary of what has been achieved.
Extend multiple loans at once
With a click of a button, you can now extend all your loans at once, a useful feature if you have many books on loan at the same time. In your profile page, you will find a new button “Extend all loans” in the top-right corner when you have at least one ongoing loan.

Note that the extension of ongoing loans is available only for the eligible loans.

“Where to find” section
The “Where to find” section in the book details page has been redesigned to make it easier to find available copies of the book at the library.

Other goodies
- 🔍 The search engine has been tuned to improve search results when searching for standards ISO numbers with dashes “-“. For example, you can now search for “ISO-8528” or “ISO 8528” and find relevant results in both cases.
- 📨 We have reworked how e-mails are sent. The website now allows the integration of other notifications systems, and it is ready to be used with the new CERN Notifications app. We have also reduced the number of sent e-mails so that we don’t spam your mailbox.
- 📖 We have improved the search guide by adding more examples and correcting some wrong search queries.
Back-office: importing new literature
Librarians at CERN have now an easier way to import new literature in the platform:
- Librarians can now immediately see the number of imported literature and filter them by import status.
- Librarians can use the new search box to find imported literature.

Next steps
Our efforts will be still focused until the end of the year on improving the CERN Library Catalogue website and, at the same time, on developing a more reliable way of uploading and publishing videos on CDS Videos.